News (Summary)

Date: 27 March 2020

BNM's Fund for SME's Financing Facilities to Assist SMEs affected by COVID-19

Additional Measures to Further Support SMEs and Individuals Affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak

In relation to the Bank Negara Malaysia’s drive to encourage SME to adopt higher level of digitization and automation to avoid future business disruptions and higher productivity, BNM has launched several initiatives such as the Automation and Digitalization Facility (ADF), All Economic Sectors Facility (AES), Special Relief Facility (SRF) COVID-19, Agrofood Facility (AF) and Micro Enterprises Facility (MEF).

In summary the features of the BNM’s Fund for SME’s Financing Facilities are as follow:

The ADF, AES, SRF, AF and MEF were announced as part of the first economic stimulus package on 27 February 2020. Since these facilities were made available on 6 March 2020, participating FIs have approved a total of RM119 million of financing to 196 SMEs, with an approval rate of 84%.

Participating FIs will continue to process the applications received under these facilities, although there may be some delays in the applications and disbursements process due to the limitations arising from the Movement Control Order. Read more.

Find out Advance Infosys’s effort to support BNM's Fund for SMEs affected by Covid-19: